Cat Paw Cup – Perfect For Every Cat Lover
Cat Paw Cup is a double-walled tumbler with an interior shaped like a cat’s paw. When a drink is poured into it, the paw shape becomes apparent.
There isn’t a more perfect cup for you than this cat paw cup if you have cats and are a cat lover. Paw yourself some drink in this cat paw glass for a truly unique experience.
Welcome to Official Cat Paw Cup Store

Cat Paw Cup – We are proud to be the official store selling the special cup.
The cup is immersed in a complete cat paw design that adds to its beauty. You can have your favorite beverages like latte, morning coffee, tea and milk in it. Or you can feed your cat some water and milk in it.
Have your morning beverages with cats and these adorable cat paw shot glasses.
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